Find peace in situations draining you unnecessarily. We all experience worrying or physical pain but whether it lasts seconds, or months, depends on vibration. Did you know that any fear you’re feeling can’t come from something that hasn’t happened yet? Just knowing that changes things already doesn’t it? Something we don’t seek healing because we can’t see how and so believe, it can happen.
Get rid of that painful push-pull feeling about situations that’s draining your energy. The fact that you’re feeling this tug of war means there’s an argument inside. It’s totally understandable; you’ve had no way of knowing which voice is truly yours and which is a lie. Forget mistakes, you don’t make any! Do you want clear, yes or no answers.
The truth sets you free by uncovering your lies. I’m going to help you reveal truths you can stand on that will dissolve that skittish, irritated, powerless feeling you might be wrestling with. You’ll be armed with an iron-clad strategy if you ever feel like this again. Feeling less powerful is a perception you’re borrowing and any ‘timing’ is never wrong!
You’re feeling that something’s off; that part’s super efficient! However, knowing how to find peace is where you can sit for literally decades. You are subject to a thousand ways to resolve a situation that’s troubling you, but the only effective one is the one that comes from within you. I can help you listen to the true voice as opposed to “ideas that make sense”.
why you gain from being in a group
YOU 10X THE ENERGY … Even though what someone brings to the circle may appear on the surface completely unrelated to your life, if it’s showing up, it’s within you somewhere.
As each person handles a situation, we will be handling it within each of us TOO! So in one meeting you are finding, uncovering and healing/empowering many issues that you don’t have to CONSCIOUSLY work at finding alone. Neither are you required to participate in any ‘public’ way; your presence is enough to have your spirit take what is necessary for your shifts. One of the most important reasons why we don’t allow ourselves to reveal problems is ultimately we don’t feel safe. A group energy offers support and a ‘non-resistant’ energy in ways you are not so aware of (even if you don’t speak to a single person!).
for all the expansion trying to download into your life.
Global shifts in the matrix of Earth and humanity is on a fast-forward. No one will escape this ride. The more ready we are in understanding what’s happening and how we can help ourselves, the better ride we get! You may have felt that time’s speeding up? This is true. The experience of time moving faster is ushering us out of the habit of not swimming around in our miserable situations in the way we used to. The good news is that there is so much help available to us.
A group situation is helpful because we’re all connected at an energetic level. As each person joins a Circle they bring with them situations, thoughts and feelings that are keeping them out of their vortex of where more happiness lies; even situations that you can’t even imagine or think you need to know about! By bringing those situations along, it’s a powerful way of opening up life situations that, right now, may feel so stuck and problematic within you… but as you address them and open up the dialogue, you allow powerful side steps into a place that helps you to:-
- feel what you really want;
- feel confidence that it will happen;
- feel that you can have it and everything else you want be happy with it.
The day’s agenda is loose, allowing for source/divine energy and our spirits to address anything that may come up within the group which is important in the now. Often it is only not knowing the ‘next step’ which is keeping us where we are.
Confidence that Life is ‘Changing’
Over the years, I have learned that the spirits beyond the physical veil not only want to help us but they have a great sense of humour. Here is a simple example of how they want us to see the “evidence” that energy work is changing your world. On the left is a picture of one of our roller blinds. As you can see, the roller blind normally rolls “under” the blind as you pull it down. Often, after I have done some of the exercises (we will be doing in our Transformation Circles), Spirit swaps the blind around so I know that “your matrix has changed”. See the picture on the right now that the blind is rolling over the outside!
The first time this happened I was fortunate enough that my husband was there to witness it. I laughed at his dumb-struck face and then watched how he jumped into “fix it” mode playing with the blind to see if it could have reversed by something we’d done. He realised it would take a screwdriver and a physical flip around to get the blind back to its original position! The first time it happened, I loved being witness to what, by our terms, is a miracle. Then I realised, “Well guys, that’s fabulous, I love this, but now I’ve got to put it back the right way around and that’s a bit inconvenient!”…. I didn’t hold any resistance to having to adjust it back I just stayed smiling that I was being shown that all of life is changing despite bigger things not showing up “visibly yet”. Then 25 minutes later, as I sat down with my coffee gazing out the window, I looked up and the blind had returned to its original position!! So now, I’m ecstatic… two miracles within an hour!
I have had many, many surreal experiences to prove that our eyes deceive us. This example is not just the flipping around of a roller blind, it is proof that the whole matrix is completely different; if the blind has moved, then all of life has moved, it is not the same version! The benefit for you is to reassure you that regardless of whether you think energy work you are doing is actually “doing something”, it is. You don’t have to witness it for yourself, you simply have to trust enough to participate!
Annemarie Doolin
Clarity Facilitator – Investigator – Troubleshooter
“A super empath with insightful ‘investigative’ abilities to be able to go behind the scenes as a ‘translator’ for what’s happening and how to change what’s going on in your life.
What I bring to the table is the gift of being able to share with you, intangible information behind the scenes of what’s happening in your life. Critical information that may be blinding you from your true path to expansion. An out of body experience made me privy to very practical and life-altering information about how to navigate our present, so that we can stop worrying about what comes next! Let’s just say I was given a back-stage pass into the matrix.
My background experiences are very varied; I have lived in six countries, worked in the corporate world for over 25 years and worked as an entrepreneur sharing a business with my partner for the last 20 years. During my time working a job in the corporate world, I was fondly nicknamed an “alien in a suit”. This was because of my ability to sit comfortably into the two genres of both “alternative and corporate”.
An astrologer who once read my chart, was left dumbfounded and said that he had never seen a chart where a person could be both an abstract artist and a hard-headed, pragmatic scientist at the same time.
This means I can benefit you tremendously. Whether you are New Age hippie who is comfortable conversing with Angels and constantly refers to energy… or someone who is more comfortable wearing a pin-striped suit and trusts more in what you can see, touch and take to the bank… I GET YOU.
Come Power Up Your Life
Every circle will be different and will transmute what is current for all.
Trust your gut; if something is speaking to you about needing clarity and a lift, this could be one of those life-defining breakthrough moments. I do invite you to write something on a piece of paper (anonymously) that you’d like to shift; these will be put in the centre of the room to be energised.
Think about it… if you choose to stay home on this day, will you do anything that has the possibility to resolve big problems, create movement in the direction that you want?”
Holistisk Institut, Marielystvej 1, st, 2000 Frederiksberg (1 minutes walk from Peter Bangs Vej Station) eller Fælleshus, Søndergårds Allé 69, 2760 Måløv. (to be confirmed…)
An evening to:-
- facilitate clarity in your energy fields.
- kick confusion and head spinning to the curb in some area of your life,
- get help with clear answers where you may have indecision,
- receive love and support.
The fee for the day is 2,000,- kr. (or evening 400,- kr.)
Good question… I thought you’d never ask. When you’re ready to get started, just click the button “YES, I’M IN!” which will jump you into the shop to submit yourself. Looking forward to having you!
That’s easy, because you and your happiness are the most important thing in your world right now! Knowing the truth about how to get the best out of your life makes for a better world… and I’m not saying that to blow smoke up your butt! I couldn’t me more serious, when you win, everything in the world gets elevated. (Watching the news or spreading harsh realities doesn’t empower the world it actually reduces the vibration and expands the suffering – raising your vibration is the most important move you can make for the world). It’s not until you shift the weight that’s hanging over you or dragging you through the day that you realise the real cost of being confused or in a state of indecision.
What you deem to be a little confusion, or struggle, has a ripple effect on the world… not only that, but just a 2% shift in what you think is a small change can have phenomenal effects on opening up flow for more joy and happiness. It’s amazing how much relief you can experience in a conversation with a different set of eyes, an open mind and an eager heart.
Everything you give attention to will be effected to the same degree.
Raise your vibration by dissolving confusion which is resistance. Raising your vibration does not mean having to “add, develop or find” something you don’t have, it is an organic process when you remove/transmute energy that is “keeping your power from being activated”.
Change means “change”, not “expansion or improvement”. Changing circumstances can look different but deliver the same experience. Changing circumstances doesn’t mean you’re taking life from a quality of 6 to a 7; unless those circumstances involve changing your vibrational frequency, you’re simply changing how it looks, not feels. A new home, a new partner, a new job looks very different on the surface and yes, the change will definitely suggest relief from what felt like a hard or unwanted situation and you will probably notice a “hopeful” feeling. However, it doesn’t mean you have healed what caused the pain.
It’s the design of the human game that we keep “changing” until we come to the end of that game, feel the feeling of exhaustion and start asking the questions we’ve never asked before. I had lived in five different countries before I stopped and realised that if I was miserable in each experience then the misery must be in me. This point in the game is where I am able to help.
FULL DAY (Måløv)
Address: Fælleshuset Søndergaard, Søndergårds Allé 69, 2760 Måløv.
Date: 2024
Time: 10:30 – 16:00
Price: 2.700,- DKr.
Refreshments: Coffee/water
Every circle will be different and will transmute what is current for all.
Trust your gut; if something is speaking to you about needing clarity and a lift, this could be one of those life-defining breakthrough moments. I do invite you to write something on a piece of paper (anonymously) that you’d like to shift; these will be put in the centre of the room to be energised.
Think about it… if you sit zapping through Netflix or doing domestics, will you do anything that has the possibility to resolve big problems, shift energy circuits and create movement in the direction that you want?