What’s Blocking
Your Happiness?
ONE DAY EXPLORATION OF YOUR LIVING SPACES. Take a day out to find the nuggets of gold which your home has been dying to tell you about what’s happening inside you that’s causing harmful blocks and get rid of them! See”things you can’t see” behind “things you can see“; you don’t need a revolution to turn things around, you need revelation! Discover the powerful and simple changes that can improve every area of YOUR life from your relationships and health to your business using everything in your living spaces.
What Can This
Do For You?
It can create change for you that self-development hasn’t; we’ve all spent thousands of dollars to hear about focus, commitment, massive action. This day is powerful for two reasons. Firstly, this is personal and aimed at your personal blocks. Secondly, the personal plan of action which you are confident you can do will motivate and excite you to take action. It is the action that creates the changes, not the way we do it. This practice uses methods that you already spend time, money and energy on and now your home becomes your ‘self-development’!
How Do You
Get Started?
Book an “Interior Design Your Mind Day” day with me when you can fully focus. It is your healing and empowerment process so how we use the time will depend on your willingness to focus and not allow distractions. I will document everything into a plan of action as a reminder of what we agreed would create the most impact and mail it to you. I will get back to you with anything that comes to me after our visit such as items that may work in your home with links. I will also follow up after a few weeks.
What’s your home dying to tell you about YOU?
How to work your home to dissolve blocks and remove destructive beliefs and energy flows
What does a home really represent? A home is a physical manifestation of how you’re “housing yourself” inside. That’s why it’s the biggest asset you’ll ever invest in. Likewise the biggest stress comes if a person finds themselves homeless. If you’ve ever moved home or been temporarily “homeless”, you’ll know how hard it was to function normally. If you’ve ever had your home broken into you’ve experienced that overwhelming feeling of “violation”. These emotions are the evidence that these four walls (and your “stuff”) are, in essence, your own cells on the outside of you arranging themselves into objects. Have you ever seen what happens to a hoarder if someone tries to throw away their things? It looks ridiculous to people around them but they are literally “attached” to the things!
Which of these houses is closest to your ideal home?
Which number was the closest to the property that suits your ideal lifestyle? Now that you’ve chosen the closest to you, isn’t it funny how it probably took you a few seconds to identify which one fits you. They are very varied and yet at least one of them “felt good”; it attracted you. Maybe it wasn’t even the house but the location and surrounding areas, either way there was no “discussion” inside.
Ask yourself why you like that house and listen to your words
You’ve just described yourself and what qualities, attributes and values are essential for you to feel happy. You are unique and your spirit knows your “authentic design” but it’s not happening because of two reasons; firstly, you may not be admitting to yourself what you really want but if you are, it’s not happening because of beliefs blocking energy which clarity can help with.
Aspects of Your Mind
We will be looking at the degree of light within you. Have you ever wondered why you struggle to find solutions, know what to do next or simply feel life is dark? We will look at establishing where you need more light to trigger light bulb moments. Light is something that has to be created on purpose. Everything defaults to darkness. Think about a room, if you do nothing, dark will exist without you do anything. Once you switch on the light darkness cannot enforce itself, it can only exist once you turn off the light again.
What is your home reflecting in or wants to reflect in that can raise your conscious and set in motion richer situations. Your space can be dying to tell you about some negativity it wants to stop ushering in… or perhaps it is trying to double your resources by reflecting in more space. The outside world is a mirror, literally. Situations exist not because they can’t be changed but because we have lacked the awareness to understand how we have allowed them to exist. Take back your power!
Ever feel like life feels grey? We know that colours contain vibrations but it’s not necessarily appropriate for someone outside of ourselves to decide what we need because it’s not evident what our consciousness needs personally. Your home is an outside expression of what is happening inside so it is important to listen to what you are attracted to regardless of what any other rules about colour say. Joy and happiness lie within your own unique “interior design”. I will help you reveal the truth of what your spirit is wanting you to add or let go of; feelings about life that leave you feeling grey or just plain colourless and bored. Be open to realisations that may shock and delight you!
Feeling bigger does not mean you need much more! Often when we think about our dreams, we imagine that we need huge investments of time and energy because perhaps the situation we want seems “big” or far bigger than what we can see right now. This is a delusion and a dangerous trap that really blocks us. It’s not the size of a home that is making our heart sing, it is the experience we have. Because of this we don’t use the space we have because we are waiting for more resources… “I’ll buy that fabulous lamp when I have my dream house…” or “The space is too small, I can’t be bothered. I’ll decorate when I have a bigger room“. Then we end up staying in the place in our mind and change nothing. The question is not how big is it, the question is how do I create the feeling of being bigger; it’s the feeling that changes your life.
I’m guessing you’ve had that feeling when you feel like your life feels so small compared to the life happening in your day dreams, it can feel that too many things are wrong. That feeling can often lead to so much frustration that it creates a dominoe effect on other areas of life. One belief effects all areas of life so by healing one area we change the whole picture. Consider that door handle, or some thing in your home that has been broken or needs attention that has been like that for years, it’s still like that because in your mind it feels like it requires “massive action”. It is not the size of the change that causes the pain, it’s how long we leave it the builds up just like a rattle in the car that you don’t get checked out!
Often in life we can feel very frustrated, we feel unable to move. We feel like we are banging up against everything we try to do. We start throwing more money at situations trying to change things but no matter where we go we feel stuck and stunted. The problem is that we go outside of ourselves to fix the stuckness which exists within us. Is it time to release movement in places you just didn’t know about?
Agenda – What will we cover?
- We start by installing you with a new vision so you can see how this works
- Discuss what areas of life you want to power up/ eradicate problems
- Talk about people sharing the space and how the spaces work for them
- Visit each room to reveal what you believe now
- I will clear (and show you how to clear) the spaces and items from emotional blocks using Ho’oponopono
- We decide what things that need to go, change or add to each space
- We review each room for elements can use to power it up, e.g. light, mirrors, security, colour etc.
- I am a “conduit” and will listen intuitively for anything your home wants to tell you!
Right now, imagine yourself as a spot on a piece of paper. You probably perceive that your happiness (or more of it) is some dot away from you (perhaps you see it in the future, to the side of you, in another location, etc.). That mindset alone is causing a blockage. You don’t have to be more, learn more or develop… rather uncover; your genius and your divine design is in your superconsiousness right now, the happiness is already real (if you couldn’t feel it you wouldn’t feel bad now!).
However, covering that grid of bliss and perfection are layers of “confusion”. Stories, beliefs and memories which are keeping that layer of truth come to the surface… and they are only holding themselves there because you keep supporting them (evident by physical words, objects, habits etc.).
Is now a good time to get rid of them?
Price: 7.920- DKr
- The price involves a full-day visit to your home (finishing when it feels complete!)
- I will email you our findings and recommendations we discussed (in a document), in addition to anything else that I pick up intuitively – sometimes your spaces can still communicate things afterwards
- A follow up call to see how you are doing
- I will bring my own lunch, tea, protein snacks