His body then marries the ‘physical situation of what happened on the outside’ to the ‘bad/dangerous emotion’ going on inside. So to the body the instruction becomes this:–
Feeling abandoned is dangerous, I don’t like this energy, keep me away from it. So every time John feels this excited feeling that mirrored the sensations he experienced when he saw the red fire engine, his body tries to keep him away from what he’s doing in that situation. The body recorded this situation which is now a belief system. Every time John’s endorphins fire off about something good he wants to do or is excited about his body will remember the situation that’s locked into his nervous system and will instantly feel “we will be abandoned”, we cannot let this happen.
If John’s feelings had been soothed and calmed within a limited time, this energy wouldn’t be considered a danger. However, there was no conversation about his feelings. This experience running through John’s nervous system was left long enough that his body now considers this a ‘rule’ or behaviour (or belief).
John’s father didn’t speak to him and reassure him. He didn’t take time to bend down to John’s level so he could see whether he was actually feeling safe. He didn’t say, “See I’m here, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Was you feeling scared? Even if I let go of your hand, you’re always safe. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Are you OK?” That conversation didn’t happen, so John didn’t get to feel calm and peaceful.
Whilst dad had moved on and thinks John’s fine (because they’re holding hands again), little John’s nervous system is still in fight or flight mode. He’s still feeling a sense of danger because he is too young and not coherent enough to process what happened for himself. Dad assumed that as they are holding hands again, John is feeling safe.
The trapped energy has still not been released
As time moves on, on the outside, it looks like this trapped energy has resolved itself because John has moved onto another situation, but it hasn’t! This feeling of abandonment is still in his body’s energy fields and is being protected by his body’s phenomenal immune defence system (because the body registers this energy as ‘dangerous’ and so the body must protect John from it).
As John gets older, another situation comes up where he feels passionate and excited about something he wants to do. It’s not a red fire engine but it could be anything from wanting to try a new sport, daring to talk to a girl he likes, thinking about a new job, taking a trip abroad, etc. Each time this happens, his body alerts him to the presence of this energy by sending a surge through his nervous system to tell him “this is dangerous, you will be abandoned”.
John doesn’t understand that this is just his immune defence sending him a pain for bad feeling to ask, “John, is this OK. Last time this happened I sensed danger, is it still dangerous“? John doesn’t hear that conversation. All he feels is the sensation of nervousness, exhaustion, a funny feeling in his stomach or just a general feeling of impending doom and gloom.
John then interprets this as, something is telling me I shouldn’t do this right now. So he stops chasing what he wants and settles for something less or just leaves things as they are.